Are you one of the many credit card users who are facing a charge on your credit card under the heading “Erac Toll Charge” and are worried about what this is all about? Please don’t fret, I’m here to help you out. What is the Erac toll charge on Credit Card? This is the question, I shall be dealing with in this article. If you are curious to know more about it. Stay around.
ERAC is an abbreviated form of Enterprise Rent-A-Car. When you rent a car and pay the toll by using your debit card, the Erac Toll Charge appears as a result of this. ERAC is a rental car service with a presence in seven states of the United States.
What is Erac Toll Charge on Credit Card? Is it a legit charge or not? These are some of the questions, I will answer. Let us find out the answer.
What is Erac Toll Charge on Credit Card?
In certain states, when you are out there with a rented car. The ERAC Toll system has simplified the process of toll-paying for the drivers of rental cars. You do not need to worry about the process of paying tolls as the system itself captures the rental car’s license plate. Then the toll is automatically debited from the on-file credit or debit card of the user. However, some additional charges are imposed by ERAC in the form of additional toll convenience.
As far as the billing cycle of ERAC is concerned, it is a bit slow. It involves ERAC compiling toll charges and then the toll authority providing the relevant and required information for billing credit cards. The entire process is slow and can take from 4 to 6 weeks between the toll usage and the billing cycle.
Is Erac Toll Charge on Credit Card Legit?
Prima facie, it can be said that the ERAC toll charge on your credit card is legit and you need not worry much about it.
If you have opted for a rental car service via a Toll road and the car is booked with your credit card. In such a case, the charges on your credit card are genuine and legitimate. However, the discrepancies in the amount deducted can’t be ruled out altogether. In case, you notice discrepancies in the amount charged, you can contact ERAC customer support.
Wrapping Up
The genesis and the reason for the Erac toll charge have been explained in detail. It has been explained as to why these charges are levied and who are the people who face such charges. All these questions including What is Erac toll charge on Credit Card have been answered comprehensively in the article above. You can refer to this article for any query about Erac Toll.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q 1: In how many states is the ERAC Toll system operational?
Ans: The ERAC Toll system is available in seven states, They are Texas, Colorado, Georgia, North Carolina, Florida, Puerto Rico, Washington, and North Carolina.
Q 2: In how many days do charges appear?
Ans: Usually, the charge appears after 1 to 2 months.
Q 3: What is ERAC?
Ans: ERAC is a rental car service.
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