One more unexpected expense shows up on your bank statements. Have you ever encountered why the charge “Ledger Green” showed up on your credit card statement? Don’t worry if you’re not sure why you are being charged, we have got you covered.
Learn more about the “Ledger Green Charge” in the article below. We will also discuss some alternate solutions to this situation.
What is Ledger Green?
A large number of people in California and New York are struggling with this charge and have zero clue regarding the charge.
Ledger Green is basically an association that provides AML (Anti Money Laundering) compliance services.
Products linked with AML services are used by State Chartered Banks, Credit Unions, and Financial institutions.
Ledger Green provides a vast number of services. Some of them are listed below:
- Gives KYC and KYB
- Automated fraud detection
- Allows monitoring transactions
- Card association rule adherence
- Anti-laundering services to its customers
And many more.
You can visit the store, the address is shown below-
Located at 401 Ryland Street 200a Reno Nevada 89502 USA.
Also, read What Is Cedar Cares Charge On Credit Card?
The reason behind the appearance of a “Ledger Green Credit Card” Charge?
This charge is basically a term that may show on your bank statement in relation to credit card transactions.
Ledger Green Credit Card Charge is a special indication that you might have signed up for any of their services or made any purchase for them through your credit card.
Despite this, if you don’t remember any purchase made for their services, you can suspect it to be a scam
Since it’s a scam, the fraudulently has the proper knowledge regarding your credit card through which they’re trying to do the transactions to check if the card is active or not.
How to avoid Ledger Green Credit Card Charges on your statements?
It is a common type of charge which can easily be managed. Here’s what you can do to avoid the charges on your credit card.
First, you have to think back if you have made any purchase through AML, if not you need to contact Green Charge support care on their website.
If you haven’t made any purchase from the website then it can be a scam.
In that situation, all you can do is not panic and immediately try contacting your bank authorities from which your credit card has been linked, and request the service provider to explain the charge.
Once you are well known by the charge and declare it to be a scam, make sure to request to temporarily block your credit card for a few days.
Also, read What Is Vioc Credit Card Charge?
Is Ledger Green Credit Card Charge Legit?
Yes, Leger Green is an authorized association. You will see the appearance of the charge only when you have paid for any of their services.
How can I contact their customer support?
You can simply go to their website or you can also call on the customer service number i.e., 800-915-4917.
Thus, Ledger Green Credit Card Charge is a very easy charge that is applied to your credit only when you make a purchase for any of their services. The charge has to be kept minimal so that it won’t affect your financial records.
However, if you find out the fee that you have been charged for is a scam then, in that case, contact your bank authorities for the knowledge of your account.
Also, keep monitoring when looking into your bank statements, since it is a concern of your financial security.
Nyra handles business research, writing financial documents, news items, articles, and study materials about finances.