Are you worried about the My Crisis Gear charge on your credit cards? Do you have any idea why it appears on your bank statements? If not, don’t worry we have got you covered.
The only way to protect yourself from any fraudulent charges is to notify your bank as soon as you see the appearance of the charge.
To know more about the topic, read the article below.
What is My Crisis Gear?
Crisis gear is an association that provides you with equipment and essential needs at the time of crisis.
However, many customers have reported this charge as a scam since they hadn’t made any purchases from the association before.
Various measures can be taken if you see any such charge on your bank statements. Read the article below to know what you can do.
Also, read What Is 702 SW 8th ST Charge On Credit Card?
How can you prevent yourself from being charged by hackers?
Here’s what you can do-
Firstly, make sure that you recognize these unauthorized charges as soon as possible, and for that, you need to keep a regular check on your credit card history.
Sometimes, hackers use such legitimate titles to confuse the cardholder.
You need to have proper knowledge before investing in any such sites. Proper identification and reading the reviews can help you to identify whether it is safe to invest or not.
Try not to use your credit card for such small purchases because hackers note down all your information related to the card and charge you for such unauthorized companies.
Also, if you find the charge unfamiliar don’t be lenient in that case. You need to call the merchant and let him know all about the charge.
Don’t easily trust the companies that provide you with higher services at a very low price that can usually be declared as scams.
How much do they charge?
The charges implemented by hackers are usually low and they try to make these purchases from your credit just to check if the card is in the service or not.
How can we get our money back?
You can get your money back by contacting your merchant, they have access to get your charge back if it is fraudulent.Â
How is my crisis gear?
You can report such fraudulent charges on BBB (Better Business Bureau) at their official website.Â
Thus, this charge is an unauthorized charge that is implemented by scammers.
You need to be alert when it comes to the maintenance of your credit card. Keeping a monthly or weekly check will benefit you from such fraud.
Also, various companies implement charges if you make any purchase from their association.
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