Are you facing the problem of unauthorized charges from Want to know how to remove them from your bank statement? Unauthorized transactions can make our lives difficult as we don’t know why and how they occur.
Also the risks they come with include identity theft, fraud, etc. But don’t worry today; you’re gonna know how to remove them and get refunds from them. All you have to do is stay tuned with us.
What is Charge ? is a merchant that provides services for websites like On, people take part in tests to learn about their personalities.
For this service, charges a small amount of fee. So, if you take a service from, you can find a charge on your bank statement.
But if you haven’t taken any service from them, it can be a scam or fraud. There are few things you can do to remove these charges from your bank statement and some of them are given below.
Steps you can take to remove charges from your bank statement
- Contact customer care service at and request they cancel your service for Give them proper information about the services, payment method, and the reason for cancellation. It can take some time for cancellation, but be in the process and take a record of any communication that you have with
- Contact your bank or Card company. If you find any unauthorized charge on your bank statement from, you can immediately contact your bank or card company. Inquire them about the charge and ask them to take necessary action immediately.
- Be very careful with your information on the Internet. Don’t save your card details on unsafe websites. Enable two-factor authentication for better protection on card transactions in case you lose your card, and someone tries to make any transaction from it.
- Regularly check your bills, transactions, and bank statements. It will help you notice any unauthorized transactions. Also, keeping tabs on transactions will help you frame evidence against unauthorized transactions.
How To Get a Refund From
To get a refund from, you can take the following steps
- Contact and request a refund for the service you just canceled. Take all the necessary steps provided by the staff of very carefully. Keep a record of every process. It might take some time, but with proper communication and information, you can get a refund from them.
- If you have evidence to show your bank or card company that the charges from are unauthorized, then you can ask them about the reverse charge. If your bank provides reverse charge service, then it will take a few steps to determine if the charges are fraudulent. Proven right, you can get a refund, but it can take some time so be patient.
Nyra handles business research, writing financial documents, news items, articles, and study materials about finances.