Noticing an unusual and unexpected credit card charge is quite frustrating. Many users of late are reporting to have received Pitney Bowes charge on Credit card thereby wondering what this charge really stands for. If you are also facing such an issue, don’t fret, I have covered this for you in this article. Stay connected to know.
Credit card charges are nothing new. Over a period of time it has become one of the most preferred modes of payment owing to the sort of flexibility it brings along in paying bills. However, it is important to take due care while making any such payment.
What is Pitney Bowes Invoice Charge on Credit Card? This is the question, I shall be answering in this article, if you want to know the answer, stay around.
Is Pitney Bowes Invoice Charge on Credit Card Legit?
Yes, the Pitney Bowes Invoice Charge on credit card is legit provided you have availed of the services of Pitney Bowes that offer technology, logistics, and financial services. If you have used your credit card to make the payment for the said services, the charges will be reflected in your credit card statement in the form of Pitney Bowes Invoice Charge.
Having said that, it is important to note, that at times, these charges can be unauthorized and thereby shall be an attempt to dupe you in the name of Pitney Bowes Invoice Charge by the scammers. That is why it is crucial to identify these charges and distinguish whether they are legit and genuine.Â
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How to Identify Pitney Bowes Invoice Charge on Credit Card?
As you know, scammers resort to different tricks to dupe the users. The unauthorized credit card charge is one of the widely used tricks adopted by scammers. In such a case, it is important to identify the Pitney Bowes Invoice Charge on Credit Card. here is how you can identify.
1. Review Past Transactions
If you have used Pitney Bowes service in the past, review past credit card statements to look for the patterns in the merchant name, amounts, and dates of charges. This can help you become more familiar with the pattern of credit card charges and how Pitney Bowes charges appear on your statement.
2. Transaction Reference or ID
Some credit card statements provide a transaction reference or ID for each charge. If you have access to this information, cross-referencing it with your Pitney Bowes records can help confirm the charge.
3. Description
The Credit Card statement may include a brief description of the transaction. Look for keywords related to postage, shipping, or mailing services, which are common Pitney Bowes transactions.
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What to Do If The Charge Is Unauthorized?
Once, you notice that you have been the victim of unauthorized charges. Here is what you are supposed to do in such a situation.
1. Contact Pitney Bowes
When you get to know that the charges are unauthorized, you can reach out to Pitney Bowes directly. They can assist you in confirming the legitimacy of the charges and provide you with additional details about the transaction.
2. Contact Your Credit Card Issuer
Another method that you can resort to is to contact the credit card issuer and explain to them the entire epistle. Inform them about the unauthorized charge and request them for chargeback. Most credit card companies have procedures in place to handle such cases.
3. Dispute the Charge
You can dispute the charges and raise your concerns before the concerned quarters. Your credit card issuer will guide you through the process of disputing the charges. They may ask you for the information or any such document to support your claim, be ready with the relevant information.
4. Report to Authorities
If you suspect that your credit card information has been compromised and fear that it can be used by scammers. Report the incident to the authorities such as the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) or your local law enforcement agency.
Also, read What is B2B Prime Charge On Credit Card?
Pitney Bowes Information
Pitney Bowes: Founded in 1920 by Arthur Pitney and Walter Bowes
Headquarters: Stamford, Connecticut, United States.
Phone: 1-844-256-6444 For U SÂ
Wrapping Up
It has come to the fore that…. Are levied for the services you have resorted to from the company. In most of the cases, these charges are authorized and genuine. However, the illegitimacy of the charges can not be ruled out for the fact that scammers do try such a trick to scam users. It is therefore necessary to stay vigilant and make no mistake in identifying the charges before you proceed. You can refer to this article to know more about it.
Nyra handles business research, writing financial documents, news items, articles, and study materials about finances.