What is Post Pigeon Charge on Credit Card?

At times, as a credit card user, you notice unfamiliar and offbeat charges that you have never noticed before, therefore leaving you wondering, what is it about? Post Pigeon Charge on Credit card is one such charge. In this article, I shall be telling you more about it. Stay connected to more.

While credit cards are a great asset, they can often become the cause of your worry as well, like when you see an unrecognizable charge on your credit card. There are many users who report such things day in and day out. It means that you must use your credit card wisely and must know the nitty gritty involved in Credit Card charges. 

What is Post Pigeon Charge on Credit Card? Let us dive in to find the answer to this question. 

Is the Post Pigeon Charge on my Credit Card legit?

Post Pigeon Charge on Credit Card is legit and authentic subject to the condition that you should have used your Credit Card to make payment to buy second-hand vintage books from Post Pigeon, a UK-based company in Cotswolds.

However, it can not be ruled out that it can be an attempted fraud on the part of scammers to trap you in the name of Post Pigeon charges, which is why it is quite important to identify the charges before making any further advance.

Also, read What NBA Secaucus Charge on Credit Card Means | Know the Answer!

How to Identify Post Pigeon Charges on Credit Cards?

What is Post Pigeon Charge on Credit Card?

There are many ways that you can try to identify Post Pigeon Charges on Credit Card. Here are some of the ways that you can try. 

1. Review Your Credit Card Statement

First and Foremost, go through your credit card statement and review it thoroughly to check if there is any such charge that aligns with Post Pigeon or something similar. The amount might be small. It would typically be around $25. 

2. Check for Variations

Sometimes, Post Pigeon might be disguised with a different descriptor. Scan for unfamiliar or recurring charges around the same amount. This might give a clue about the transaction that can be Post Pigeon Charge. 

3. Contact your Bank

One of the most useful and widely used methods to identify the charges is to contact your bank. Inquire about the Post Pigeon charges on your Credit Card. They will provide you with the complete information along with the code that will make it easy to know what the charges are about. 

Also, read What is Digital Content Apps Charge on Credit Card | Know!

What to do if the Post Pigeon charge is unauthorized? 

Once, you come to know that the Post Pigeon charge on your credit card is unauthorized. Report this by following the steps given below. 

1. Contact Your Bank or Credit Card Issuer

Once you notice that the charges are unauthorized, contact your bank or credit card issuer and tell them about the unauthorized charges. They will guide you through the process to raise the dispute. They have a dedicated team meant for the said job that will help you resolve the issue of unauthorized charges on your credit card. You can even block this card and request a new credit card with different card details. 

2. Report to the Federal Trade Commission

If you think, this is a severe breach and has compromised your financial security, feel free to report to the Federal Trade Commission for the appropriate action against the company. They can even go ahead with the criminal investigation and ensure that your financial security is not compromised and tempered. 

3. Freeze Payment on Your Credit Card

If you think that your credit card information is compromised. You must not wait longer but freeze payment on your Credit Card. This will prevent your card from being used by anyone for making any payments in the future. So, your account will be safe and secure, no unwanted and unsolicited payments will be processed anymore. 

Also, read What is Meta PPGF Charge on Credit Card | All You Need to Know

Wrapping Up

It has come to the fore that Post Pigeon Charge on Credit Card are the charges that you are supposed to pay to the Post Pigeon company using your credit card. However, before advancing ahead it is crucial to clear the authenticity of the charges levied. In case, the charge is unauthorized, raise the dispute and make a claim for chargeback. You can refer to this article to know more about it.

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