Many credit card users over a period of time have reported charge on credit, thereby leaving them wondering, what it stands for. Are you one among many users, who want to know the answer to this question? Don’t worry, I have covered this for you in this article. Stay around to know the answer.
A credit card charge is when you use your card to buy something. The cost gets added to your account balance. You can pay it off later, but interest accrues if not paid in full by the due date. It has to be kept in mind that being irresponsible while using credit cards can lead to financial strains.
What does charge on credit card mean? Let us dive in to find the answer to this question.
What is
Themarbellas is a club that also sells bras, bodysuits, leggings, and almost all products. Their club membership costs $29.99 every month. Club membership helps with priority delivery, free delivery, exclusive deals, a 20% reward, and every month $10 store voucher.
If you have ever made a purchase from then your credit card will be charged as charge.
Also, read What Is Parlevel Texas Charge On Credit Card? Is it Legit?
Is Charge on Credit Card Legit?
Yes, the charge on your credit card is legit provided you recognize the charge on your credit card statement. If you have purchased the product from Themarbellas and used your credit card to make the payment, the charge will reflect in the form of Themarbellas. Com charge on your credit card statement.
Having said that, it is crucial to identify the charge on your credit card statement for the reason that scammers resort to fraudulent credit card charges to trap the users.
How to Identify Charge on Credit Card?
There are different ways to identify on credit card. Here are some of the methods that you can use.
1. Check Your Credit Card Statement
Check your credit card statement by looking for the transaction description associated with the charge. It might mention or something else related to the purchase. Check for the description and see if it matches the name mentioned on your credit card statement.
2. Contact Your Bank
Another method that you can resort to is to call the customer service number on the back of your credit card and ask about the charge. They should be able to provide you with more information, such as the date and location of the purchase. Since the bank has the details about the charge, it will therefore help you to recognize the charge.
3. Search Online
Try searching for “” on the search engine. This might take you to the website of the company that charged you, where you can learn more about the products and the services. This will ultimately help you know more about the Themarbellas and the charge, which for that matter will help you identify the charge on your credit card statement.
Also, read What is Tripus Charge on Credit Card Statement?
What to do if Charge on Credit Card is Unauthorized?
In case you fail to recognize the charge on your credit card statement. Here is what you can do in such a situation.
1. Contact Your Bank Immediately
As soon as you come to know about the unauthorized charge on your credit card. This is the most crucial step. Federal law limits your liability for unauthorized charges, but you need to report them promptly. Call the customer service number on the back of your credit card to speak with a representative and inform them about the charge.
2. Report the Unauthorized Charge
Another step that you can try is to report the unauthorized charge to your credit card issuers. Pe them about the unauthorized charge. They will guide you through the process of disputing the charge and might come up with a solution that can help you undo the unauthorized charge. You can reach out to the credit card provider through their website or by phone.
3. Cancel Your Credit Card
In case, you think that your credit card is compromised and is in the wrong hands which for that matter can be used against your wish, without your permission thereby incurring financial losses, it is recommended to cancel your card. Once you cancel your card, no transaction will be entertained from this card in the future.
You can apply for a new card with new card details that you can use to carry out the transaction safely and securely.
4. Gather Documentation
Even though this is optional gathering information is important for the reason that it can strengthen your case. If you have any evidence suggesting the charge is fraudulent, keep it for the investigation. This could include emails or receipts (even if not from related to the suspicious activity. Provide this information to your bank when asked.
Also, read What is Limited Parkway E Reynoldsburg Charge on Credit Card?
Wrapping Up
The charge on your credit card is associated with the payment you have made to Themarbellas Club, the club that deals with the selling of bras, bodysuits, leggings, and almost all products. The transaction will therefore reflected in your statement under the name and title charge. Prima facie, the charge seems to be authorized, however, you must recognize the charge on the statement to ensure that you don’t fall prey to the scammers.
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Nyra handles business research, writing financial documents, news items, articles, and study materials about finances.