Noticing an unwanted and unsolicited credit card charge is quite irritating and highly exasperating. It leaves you wondering what the charge is about. In this article, I’m taking you through one such charge called FLP LLC charge on Credit Card. If you want to know more about it, stay connected to know.
Credit Card no doubt helps you to manage your finances in a more organized way. However, at the same time, it needs to be handled with a bit of extra care and attention so that you may not delve yourself in financial strains. The credit card charges, particularly unfamiliar charges, are quite disturbing.
What is the FLP LLC charge on Credit Card? Let us dive in to find the answer to this question. Stay tuned to know the answer.
Is FLP LLC Charge on Credit Card Legit?
Yes, the FLP LLC charge on Credit Card is legit provided you have used your credit card to make payment for purchasing the stuff from Forever Living Products, aka FLP. FLP is a company that sells wellness and beauty products worldwide. Prima facie, the company is authentic and genuine.
However, it is important to mention here, that at times, scammers try to dupe the users with the name of fake credit card charges, so it is crucial to identify the charge before you make any such advances.
Also, read What is the Corporate Filings LLC Charge on Credit Card?
How to Identify FLP LLC Charge on Credit Card?
It is important to identify the credit card charges so that you may not end up playing in the nads of scammers. There are different ways that you can try to recognize the credit card charges. Here is how you can identify FLP LLC charge on Credit Card.
1. Check Your Credit Card Statement
Checking your credit card statement is the first and the most crucial step whenever you encounter an unfamiliar charge on your card. To identify the charge, you have to scrutinize your statement for the exact wording or abbreviation used for the charge in question. Note any variation that might appear like “FLP LLC charge” or a related term.
2. Check Email Receipts
Checking your email is a great follow-up step after reviewing your credit card statement for an unrecognized charge. Search for a confirmation email by looking through your email inbox around the date of the transaction on your credit card statement. Ficus on the email from senders with names similar to the wording used for the charge on your statement.
3. Contact Your Bank
Another method to identify FLP LLC charges on Credit Card is to contact your bank and seek the details about the particular charge from the bank officials. They will help you by providing the information about the said charge. You can contact them by phone or online using their website or app.
4. Consider the Context
When you find it hard to identify the transaction on your credit card statement, make sure that you take the context of the charge into consideration by recalling recently using a service provided by a company named FLP LLC or similar.
Think if “FLP LLC” could be associated with a different company name you recognize, especially if it aligns with a recent purchase or service you used.
Also, read What is Segpay Flrt LLC Charge on Credit Card?
What to do if the FLP LLC Charge on Credit Card is Unauthorized?
If you recognize the FLP LLC charge described on your Credit card statement, then there is nothing to worry about. However, if you feel that the transaction was unauthorized, you can take measures to start the dispute process.
1. Inform Your Bank or Credit Card Issuer
Inform your bank or credit card issuer so that you can pause your transaction for the time being. Most banks or institutions have a time frame within which you can file a dispute, so the sooner you do it the better.
2. Contact FLP LLC
Visit the FLP LLC website, and inform them about the unauthorized charge you are seeing on your credit card statement. They might ask you about the details of the transaction like the day and date of the transaction, the amount charged, and the last four digits of your credit card number.
3. Remove Your Credit Card Information
You should also remove your credit card information from the FLP LLC website. Once, you do, the payment from your credit card will not entertained for any sort of payment.
If the issue persists for long, I suggest you cancel your current card and ask your bank or the credit card company to issue you a new one.
FLP LLC Company Information
- Gerrit van der Veenlaan 16
- 3743 DN Baarn
- The Netherlands
- Phone Number: 088 646 0200
- Wensite:
Also, read What is the Farloshop Charge On the Credit Card?
Wrapping Up
So it has come to the fore, that FLP LLC Company deals in wellness and beauty products, therefore any payment made to the company from your credit card is reflected in your credit card statement in the form of FLP LLC Charge. However, it is crucial to recognize these charges to prevent any kind of financial loss. You can refer to this article titled, “What is the FLP LLC Charge on Credit Card?” to learn more about it.
Nyra handles business research, writing financial documents, news items, articles, and study materials about finances.